YMUN India will bring together 800 delegates from all over the world to tackle our generation’s most pressing challenges.

Yale Model United Nations India is jointly organized by The Big Red Group and the Yale International Relations Association, an undergraduate student organization.

YMUN India is a three-day international relations simulation for high school students through which delegates hailing from across the globe interact with one another through debate and diplomacy, aiming to solve some of the most complex challenges facing the world today. By engaging in topics including national and international security, political and economic development, human rights, sustainability, and beyond, delegates learn to navigate the intricacies of cross-cultural negotiation and teamwork, adopting new perspectives and developing comprehensive resolutions for pressing global issues along the way.

This year, the YMUN India Secretariat is committed to providing delegates with the opportunity to participate in a dynamic, educational, and enriching conference, as well as chances to hone and showcase their public speaking and diplomatic abilities. It is this unique passion, commitment, and care that make a YMUN conference one of the premier Model UN experiences worldwide.





Why Choose YMUN India?

World-Class Committee Experience

YMUN India boasts a comprehensive and competitive chair recruitment process, curating a lineup of students passionate about building an engaging, dynamic, and rewarding experience for delegates. Our chairs are Yale students passionate about international relations and global affairs, all of whom undergo rigorous training in problem-solving and parliamentary procedure to best create a fun, dynamic committee for competitors of all skill levels.

Engaging and Inspiring Speakers

At YMUN India, the learning doesn’t stop when debate is closed. Rather, delegates’ simulated Model United Nations experiences are coupled with robust educational programming outside of committee. Our Secretariat is excited to offer delegates a variety of speakers, workshops, and activities designed to enhance their understanding of global affairs and diplomacy by learning from experts with rich, real-life experiences and wisdom to impart.

Innovative, Forward-Thinking Structure

Our inaugural Secretariat dares to embrace our absence of precedent not as a hindrance, but rather our greatest strength. At the first iteration of YMUN India, innovation is not only an ideal for which we strive, but a requirement. We aim to offer delegates a groundbreaking, boundary-pushing experience—one in which fresh perspectives flourish and new approaches to diplomacy and decision-making will redefine the very art of Model United Nations.

For Students

For Schools

Testimonials from Past Conferences

“I had the chance to see YMUN from a variety of angles, and each time it turned out to be an experience I won't soon forget. I discovered the true meaning of leadership, research, and diplomacy while serving as a delegate in 2021. Gen-Z can use YMUN to become a Generation of Solvers while having fun, as the conference has consistently demonstrated over the years.”

— Delegate, YMUN New Haven 2021

“As an advisor, I totally enjoyed having the possibility of witnessing the committee sessions in real time. This is the first time [being able] to see of my delegates in action, as well as the proceedings in other committees. It was so life-giving to listen to the voices of the young leaders expressing their thoughts on global issues.”

— Advisor, YMUN New Haven 2022

“On the whole, I can say without a doubt that the conference was nothing short of extraordinary. I was blown away by the calibre of individuals at the conference, and by the passion they shared for engendering change for better in our world.”

— Delegate, Yale Model African Union 2022