
Committees at YMUN India will simulate the most pressing issues of our time, asking delegates to engage in various simulated committees fostering meaningful deliberations over some of the most relevant topics facing our world today.

  • Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)

    [Estimated Size: 200 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Nuclear Proliferation

    Topic 2: The Russo-Ukrainian War


  • World Health Organization (WHO)

    [Estimated Size: 125 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Vaccine Hesitancy

    Topic 2: Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction


  • Economic and Financial Council (ECOFIN)

    [Estimated Size: 125 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Sustainable Development

    Topic 2: Financing Solutions to Refugee Crises


  • United National Environment Programme (UNEP)

    [Estimated Size: 80 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Geoengineering

    Topic 2: Impact of Natural Disasters on Internal Displacement


  • United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

    [Estimated Size: 70 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Concerns for Women Refugees

    Topic 2: Safety of Displaced Peoples in Nagorno-Karabakh


  • Human Rights Council (HRC)

    [Estimated Size: 70 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Professional and Academic Empowerment of Women

    Topic 2: Treatment of Uighur Peoples in China


  • Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM)

    [Estimated Size: 70 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Gender Equity in Access to Education

    Topic 2: Global Hunger and the Right to Food


  • Ad Hoc Committee*

    [Estimated Size: 30 Delegates]

    Topic will be released to delegates for this crisis-style committee at the conference.

  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC)**

    [Estimated Size: 30 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Protecting Refugees Facing Global Security Challenges

    Topic 2: Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and International Security


  • Commission on the Status of Women

    [Estimated Size: 40 Delegates]

    Topic 1: Violence Against Women
    Topic 2: ⁠Conflict Resolution


*This is an advanced committee.
** Double Delegation Committee.


Note: Position papers are optional for delegates at YMUN India. Position papers are only required for delegates who would like to the considered for the “Best Position Paper” Award, to be distributed at closing ceremonies. Position papers are 1-2 pages research documents prepared by delegates, which serve as a formal introduction to a delegate's stance on the topics to be discussed during the conference. The primary purpose of a position paper is to provide fellow delegates, committee chairs, and organizers with a clear understanding of a delegate's country or delegation's policies, perspectives, and proposed solutions on the agenda items. As the Ad Hoc committee has no pre-decided topics, no position papers may be submitted by delegates in said committee. To be eligible for an award, position papers must be submitted via the form below by January 10, 2024.


**** It should be noted that participants are expected to prepare for both topics. At the beginning of the session, a vote will be conducted to decide which topic will be addressed first, taking up approximately two-thirds of the committee time. The second topic will be discussed in the remaining time. This approach ensures thorough preparation and engagement with both subjects. ****

NOTE: You will receive the committee preference form over email after the payment process is completed.

**We're thrilled to announce the key dates and processes for committee allocations for our upcoming Yale Model United Nations India. Our goal is to ensure a seamless and equitable allocation process for all delegates.

Here's what you need to know:

📧 Allocations via Email: Keep an eye on your inbox! All committee allocations will be communicated directly to delegates via email. This ensures that you receive your allocation information promptly and securely.

💳 Complete Payment for Allocation Form: To receive your committee allocation, it's essential to complete your conference payment at the earliest. Timely payment not only secures your spot but also grants access to the allocation form.

🔄 Rolling Allocation Based on Preferences: Allocations will be conducted in a rolling manner. This means that delegates who submit their preferences early have a higher likelihood of being assigned to their preferred committees. We encourage you to act swiftly to enhance your chances of securing your top choices.

🌍 First Release of Committee Allocations: December 18th, 2023

Don't miss out! The first round of allocations will be unveiled on December 18th. This is the initial step in embarking on your Yale MUN journey.

🌐 Second Release of Committee Allocations: December 29th, 2023

The final round of allocations will be announced on December 29th, completing our allocation process and setting the stage for an engaging conference experience.

We advise all delegates to stay alert for email notifications and to complete payments promptly for a smoother allocation experience.

Get ready to dive into a world of diplomacy, debate, and development at Yale MUN.

For any further inquiries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to our team. Let’s gear up for a conference filled with dynamic discussions and invaluable learning opportunities!