Conference Policies

Note: By participating in Yale Model United Nations India, schools and delegates consent to the use of photographs, videos, films, or other media to record or otherwise capture their image or voice or material during the duration of the conference. By participating, schools and delegates grant the permanent right to Yale University, the Yale International Relations Association, and the Big Red Group to use those images and recordings, and schools and delegates forfeit the right to approve, be compensated for, or make a legal claim regarding the use of said images and recordings.

Conference Terms and Conditions: Describes information on eligibility for our conference. YMUN India has no prior arrangements and agreements with companies or organizations to be the sole provider of YMUN India country assignments within a country or district. Please direct any inquiries to

Liability Waivers: These waivers must be downloaded, signed, and uploaded to the registration platform by all Delegates & Faculty Advisors prior to the conference.